Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday Morning Hussle.

Why is it that EVERY time we have to leave the house at a certain time, is when the dilly-dallying turns up a notch.
Take yesterday for example-
We were on a roll. The kids were up, fed, dressed, kissed daddy goodbye as he was on his way to first service.
Silly me, I took advantage of the dressed kids and jumped in the shower. Still on track, great!
After the shower, dressed, hair done. "Where are my glasses?"
I was seriously searching for a full 10 minutes.
This is when the kids start to bicker, side-track movie on- check. :)
Keep searching....
Mind you, at this point we should have left the house 5 minutes ago.
"Stop sitting on your brother, go wait by the door so we can go."
"As soon as mommy finds her glasses, we'll head out to the car. Has anyone seen mommy's glasses, by the way?"
Isaiah- "Oh yeah, their downstairs!"
Me- "How did they get downstairs?"
Did I even go downstairs this morning?
Isaiah- "I took 'em down there."
Of course, why am I not surprised. :)
Glasses on, purse in hand, walking out the door........
"Wait, Isaiah where are your shoes!!??"
Oh goodness, 30 minutes later we are finally in the car, on our way to church, being serenaded
by the sweet voice of Miss Austen in CD player.

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